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Session Chair: Yaroslav Halchenko (Dartmouth College) and Thomas Braun (byte physics e.K.)
Needs, requirements and expectations for validation and introspection of NWB files
In principle, any stored by PyNWB/MatNWB file should pass this stage of validation
Validate toward “best practices”. nwb-inspector ATM is the implementation for some of such:
Some of those could be addressed by more restricted data types, e.g. ISO datetime duration for “age” or any other “duration”.
Catch obviously (to human curator) eye incorrectly entered/encoded data (e.g. incorrect unit, e.g. V vs mV). ATM not possible to encode range within NWB schema, to e.g. encode the range.
Question of the units: SI with multipliers. Satra mentioned which is character string encoding for numerical values and units, incorporates SI, etc.
Participants should add topics of possible interest for discussion here
(Ben) Ontologies could not be introduced for a field without breaking compatibility (i.e. forcing more than free form string) by adding a supplementary “Ontologies” table with fields
pynwb provides validation of .nwb files to follow specific schema. Could also be invoked from command line via python -m pynwb.validate [FILES]
but at best should be invoked per each file separately since the whole process would fail as soon as the current file fails validation.
dandi validate
(and also during upload
) provide a way to validate files (delegates actual validation to pynwb) from command line:
$> dandi validate v2.0.1/test_*
v2.0.1/test_CurrentClampStimulusSeries.nwb: ok
v2.0.1/test_DecompositionSeries.nwb: 1 error(s)
DynamicTable/colnames (processing/test_mod/LFPSpectralAnalysis/bands.colnames): incorrect type - expected 'text', got 'ascii'
v2.0.1/test_Device.nwb: ok
v2.0.1/test_DynamicTable.nwb: 1 error(s)
Units/colnames (units.colnames): incorrect type - expected 'text', got 'ascii'
v2.0.1/test_ElectricalSeries.nwb: 1 error(s)
DynamicTable/colnames (general/extracellular_ephys/electrodes.colnames): incorrect type - expected 'text', got 'ascii'
v2.0.1/test_ElectrodeGroup.nwb: ok
Summary: Validation errors in 14 out of 31 files
dandi ls
provides easy way to see basic information about any .nwb file. For pre-v2 nwb files it would at least provide NWB version information. E.g.:
$> dandi ls v2.0.1/test_Cluster*
v2.0.1/test_Clustering.nwb 17.8 kB TEST_Clustering a file to test writing and reading a Clustering 1971-01-01/12:00:00 2.0b Clustering
v2.0.1/test_ClusterWaveforms.nwb 20.0 kB TEST_ClusterWaveforms a file to test writing and reading a ClusterWaveforms 1971-01-01/12:00:00 2.0b ClusterWaveforms, Clustering (2)
Summary: 37.7 kB 1971-01-01/12:00:00>