aqnwb 0.1.0
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AQNWB::NWB Namespace Reference

Namespace for all classes related to the NWB data standard. More...


class  AnnotationSeries
 TimeSeries storing text-based records about the experiment. More...
class  Container
 Abstract data type for a group storing collections of data and metadata. More...
class  Data
 An abstract data type for a dataset. More...
class  Device
 Metadata about a data acquisition device, e.g., recording system, electrode, microscope. More...
class  DynamicTable
 Represents a group containing multiple datasets that are aligned on the first dimension. More...
class  ElectricalSeries
 General purpose time series. More...
class  ElectrodeGroup
 The ElectrodeGroup class represents a physical grouping of electrodes, e.g. a shank of an array. More...
class  ElectrodeTable
 Represents a table containing electrode metadata. More...
class  ElementIdentifiers
 A list of unique identifiers for values within a dataset, e.g. rows of a DynamicTable. More...
class  NWBFile
 The NWBFile class provides an interface for setting up and managing the NWB file. More...
class  RecordingContainers
 The RecordingContainers class provides an interface for managing and holding groups of Containers acquired during a recording. More...
class  RegisteredType
 Base class for types defined in the NWB schema. More...
class  SpikeEventSeries
 Stores snapshots/snippets of recorded spike events (i.e., threshold crossings). More...
class  TimeSeries
 General purpose time series. More...
class  VectorData
 An n-dimensional dataset representing a column of a DynamicTable. More...


constexpr auto AttributeField = AQNWB::Types::StorageObjectType::Attribute
 Alias for AQNWB::Types::StorageObjectType::Attribute.
constexpr auto DatasetField = AQNWB::Types::StorageObjectType::Dataset
 Alias for AQNWB::Types::StorageObjectType::Dataset.

Detailed Description

Namespace for all classes related to the NWB data standard.

Variable Documentation

◆ AttributeField

auto AQNWB::NWB::AttributeField = AQNWB::Types::StorageObjectType::Attribute

Alias for AQNWB::Types::StorageObjectType::Attribute.

◆ DatasetField

auto AQNWB::NWB::DatasetField = AQNWB::Types::StorageObjectType::Dataset

Alias for AQNWB::Types::StorageObjectType::Dataset.