aqnwb 0.1.0
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AqNWB is a C++ API for acquiring neurophysiological data directly into the NWB (Neurodata Without Borders) format. Our goal is to provide a lightweight API to integrate with existing acquisition systems. Below is a high-level overview of the project structure and capabilities we are targeting:

Project Overview


AqNWB is currently under active development and should not yet be used in practice.

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Navigating the Documentation

The documentation is divided into the following main sections:

  • For Users : This section is for users who want to use AqNWB in their software project, e.g., to integrate NWB with an acquisition system.
  • For Developers : This section is for developers and community members who would like to contributed to the development of AqNWB.
  • API Reference: The Namespaces, Classes, and Files sections are autogenerated from the AqNWB source code using Doxygen, providing a detailed reference of all classes, namespaces, files, functions, etc. defined by AqNWB.
