aqnwb 0.1.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NAQNWBThe main namespace for AqNWB
 NHDF5Namespace for all components of the HDF5 I/O backend
 CHDF5IOInterface for reading and writing data to HDF5 files
 CHDF5RecordingDataRepresents an HDF5 Dataset that can be extended indefinitely in blocks
 NNWBNamespace for all classes related to the NWB data standard
 CContainerAbstract data type for a group storing collections of data and metadata
 CDataAn abstract data type for a dataset
 CDeviceMetadata about a data acquisition device, e.g., recording system, electrode, microscope
 CDynamicTableRepresents a group containing multiple datasets that are aligned on the first dimension
 CElectricalSeriesGeneral purpose time series
 CElectrodeGroupPhysical grouping of electrodes, e.g. a shank of an array
 CElectrodeTableRepresents a table containing electrode metadata
 CElementIdentifiersA list of unique identifiers for values within a dataset, e.g. rows of a DynamicTable
 CNWBFileInterface for setting up and managing the NWB file
 CRecordingContainersInterface for managing and holding groups of Containers acquired during a recording
 CSpikeEventSeriesStores snapshots/snippets of recorded spike events (i.e., threshold crossings)
 CTimeSeriesGeneral purpose time series
 CVectorDataAn n-dimensional dataset representing a column of a DynamicTable
 CBaseDataTypeRepresents a base data type
 CBaseIOAbstract base class that defines the interface for input/output (IO) operations on a file
 CBaseRecordingDataThe base class to represent recording data that can be extended
 CChannelClass for storing acquisition system channel information
 CTypesProvides definitions for various types used in the project