Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼NAQNWB | The main namespace for AqNWB |
▼NHDF5 | Namespace for all components of the HDF5 I/O backend |
CHDF5IO | Interface for reading and writing data to HDF5 files |
CHDF5RecordingData | Represents an HDF5 Dataset that can be extended indefinitely in blocks |
▼NNWB | Namespace for all classes related to the NWB data standard |
CContainer | Abstract data type for a group storing collections of data and metadata |
CData | An abstract data type for a dataset |
CDevice | Metadata about a data acquisition device, e.g., recording system, electrode, microscope |
CDynamicTable | Represents a group containing multiple datasets that are aligned on the first dimension |
CElectricalSeries | General purpose time series |
CElectrodeGroup | Physical grouping of electrodes, e.g. a shank of an array |
CElectrodeTable | Represents a table containing electrode metadata |
CElementIdentifiers | A list of unique identifiers for values within a dataset, e.g. rows of a DynamicTable |
CNWBFile | Interface for setting up and managing the NWB file |
CRecordingContainers | Interface for managing and holding groups of Containers acquired during a recording |
CSpikeEventSeries | Stores snapshots/snippets of recorded spike events (i.e., threshold crossings) |
CTimeSeries | General purpose time series |
CVectorData | An n-dimensional dataset representing a column of a DynamicTable |
CBaseDataType | Represents a base data type |
CBaseIO | Abstract base class that defines the interface for input/output (IO) operations on a file |
CBaseRecordingData | The base class to represent recording data that can be extended |
CChannel | Class for storing acquisition system channel information |
CTypes | Provides definitions for various types used in the project |