aqnwb 0.1.0
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAQNWB::BaseDataTypeRepresents a base data type
 CAQNWB::BaseIOAbstract base class that defines the interface for input/output (IO) operations on a file
 CAQNWB::HDF5::HDF5IOInterface for reading and writing data to HDF5 files
 CAQNWB::BaseRecordingDataThe base class to represent recording data that can be extended
 CAQNWB::HDF5::HDF5RecordingDataRepresents an HDF5 Dataset that can be extended indefinitely in blocks
 CAQNWB::ChannelClass for storing acquisition system channel information
 CAQNWB::NWB::ContainerAbstract data type for a group storing collections of data and metadata
 CAQNWB::NWB::DeviceMetadata about a data acquisition device, e.g., recording system, electrode, microscope
 CAQNWB::NWB::DynamicTableRepresents a group containing multiple datasets that are aligned on the first dimension
 CAQNWB::NWB::ElectrodeTableRepresents a table containing electrode metadata
 CAQNWB::NWB::ElectrodeGroupPhysical grouping of electrodes, e.g. a shank of an array
 CAQNWB::NWB::NWBFileInterface for setting up and managing the NWB file
 CAQNWB::NWB::TimeSeriesGeneral purpose time series
 CAQNWB::NWB::ElectricalSeriesGeneral purpose time series
 CAQNWB::NWB::SpikeEventSeriesStores snapshots/snippets of recorded spike events (i.e., threshold crossings)
 CAQNWB::NWB::DataAn abstract data type for a dataset
 CAQNWB::NWB::ElementIdentifiersA list of unique identifiers for values within a dataset, e.g. rows of a DynamicTable
 CAQNWB::NWB::VectorDataAn n-dimensional dataset representing a column of a DynamicTable
 CAQNWB::NWB::RecordingContainersInterface for managing and holding groups of Containers acquired during a recording
 CAQNWB::TypesProvides definitions for various types used in the project