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NWB Workshops and Hackathons

NWB and DANDI Workshop

INCF Assembly 2024

Dates: September 26-27, 2024

Join us for an interactive workshop on Neurodata Without Borders (NWB), a data standard for neurophysiology, and the DANDI Archive, a collaboration platform for publishing, sharing, and processing neurophysiology data. Learn how to use these resources to maximize the impact of your data while complying with the new NIH data sharing and management policies.

Representatives from the NWB and DANDI teams, Ben Dichter, Ryan Ly, and Oliver RĂ¼bel, will provide an overview of the NWB software ecosystem and teach you how to convert data to NWB and publish data on DANDI.

Tentative Agenda

Day 1: September 26, Lectures and Tutorials

Day 2: September 27, Hackathon

Participants will bring their own data and work with the NWB and DANDI teams to convert their data to NWB and publish it on DANDI.