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NWB Workshops and Hackathons

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Convert Marmoset monkey intracellular recording data to NWB

Key Investigators

Project Description

Raw data came from our previously published papers (Gao et al., 2016, Neuron; Gao and Wang, 2018, Cerebral Cortex; Gao and Wang, 2020, Nature Protocols). Intracelluar recording in the primate is extremely challenging, and there are only 8 papers so far that have done this. We have collected high-quality intracellular recording data from 300+ neurons in the auditory cortex of awake marmosets. We collected and saved those data with custom codes written in MATLAB. Those data could be read out by MATLAB codes.


  1. Each file contains the membrane potential of one neuron tested with one specific stimulus. It’s necessary to archive the files from the same neuron into the same folder or structure or group or any other structure.
  2. Save the stimulus information with the raw membrane potential data together, so that we could know which stimulus evokes this responses.
  3. The spike waveform from same neurons have some fluctuations (resting potential, threshold, half-maximum widt, etc.). Need some ways to characterize each neuron’s response properities.

Approach and Plan

Will update soon.

Progress and Next Steps

Will update soon.



Background and References

