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Rudimentary Implementation of Signal files (cfs) to nwb pipeline

Key Investigators

Project Description

Signal by Cambridge Electronics and Design is a data acquistion program used by several labss for Intracellular Electrophysiology (in addition can be used for other electrophysiology projects). Ideally, data generated by these labs can be converted to NWB format so that they can be utilized by tools in the NWB ecosystem as well as utilized by the larger stakholders


Present a rudimentary implementation of signal data files (cfs) to NWB script. To be adapted for later use.

  1. Implement a basic CFS to NWB script that can output the trace data into NWB
  2. Ensure the data is useable with some NWB tools (IPFX)

Approach and Plan

  1. Update previous pyCEDFS package with more robust testing
  2. Adapt x_to_nwb package to work with pyCEDFS package to transform CFS data.

Progress and Next Steps

Previously: A python package to open signal data (pyCEDFS), this uses a precompiled c library to load the data into numpy arrays. Ideally this could be used to work on this project.

31/3/2021: Conversion into NWB sucessful. However error prone and missing much metadata. https://github.com/smestern/pyCEDFS/blob/master/pyCEDFS/CFSConverter.py


  1. pyCEDFS package: https://github.com/neuronex-wm/pyCEDFS
  2. CFS c/c++ library: http://ced.co.uk/upgrades/signaltools

Background and References
