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NWB Workshops and Hackathons

All times are in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT; UTC-7)

This calendar view shows the hackathon agenda.

You can add this Google Calendar or iCal calendar to your personal calendar to see the sessions in your time zone.

Agenda calendar graphic

Detailed agenda:

Day 1 Tuesday, March 30
8 - 9am (PDT) Welcome and Introduction (Main Stage)
9 - 10am Project presentations (3 min presentation each) (Main Stage)
10 - 3pm Open Hacking
10 - 11am Breakout: Findability: search and metadata extraction (Room 1)
10 - 11am Breakout: Coordination meeting for behavioral quantification (Room 2)
11 - 12pm Breakout: Validation (Room 2)
12 - 12:15pm Coffee Break (Fountain)
1 - 2pm Breakout: Conversion of Proprietary Formats to NWB (Room 1)
3 - 4pm Social hour (Yoh's Island Bar)
Day 2 Wednesday, March 31
8 - 8:30am Project check-in (Main Stage)
815-ish - 9am Breakout: BEADL and Behavioral Metadata (Room 2)
8:30 - 9am Matchmaking chats
9 - 10am Breakout: Interoperability with Other Standards, in particular BIDS-animal-ephys (Room 1)
10 - 3pm Open Hacking
10am - 11am Breakout: External Resources and Persistent Identifiers in NWB (Room 2)
12 - 12:15pm Coffee Break (Fountain)
1 - 2pm Breakout: Storing Analysis Results and Provenance in NWB (Room 1)
3 - 4pm Social hour (Yoh's Island Bar)
Day 3 Thursday, April 1
8 - 8:30am Project check-in (Main Stage)
9:30 - 3pm Open Hacking
8:30 - 9:30am Breakout: Intracellular Ephys and Stimulation (Room 1)
10 - 11am Breakout: NWB Jupyter Widgets (Room 2)
11 - 12pm Feature Requests for NWB + DANDI (Room 1)
12 - 12:15pm Coffee Break (Fountain)
2 - 3pm Final presentations (Main Stage)
3 - 4pm Social hour (Yoh's Island Bar)