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NWB Workshops and Hackathons

Conversion of Spike2 data into NWB

Key Investigators

  1. Deepti Mittal (participant at hackathon)
  2. Rebecca Mease/Alexander Groh (PIs)
  3. Ross Folkard

Project Description


  1. Import silicon probe electrophysiology data collected with Spike2 into NWB format. Is it possible to convert .smrx or .mat file directly to NWB or are there any intermediate steps involved? if possible, We would like to import data files from SPIKE2 into Python and later to NWB.
  2. Establish consistent import of metadata about experiment (this should be a more-or-less common tool across the group, regardless of acquisition system).
  3. Establish comparative spike sorting with SpikeInterface (tentatively, kilosort2 and klusta)
  4. Understand how to access and edit trial information.
  5. Understand how to access units’ waveform information, do offline processing/categorization, then write results back to NWB
  6. Establish restricted backwards-compatibility for time-consuming analysis that is already done (e.g. spike curation with Phy, post-hoc trigger-detection and trial definition)

Approach and Plan

Include all channels (command stimuli and recorded stimuli if relevant) Animal state read-outs (respiration, temperature, heart beat)._

Progress and Next Steps

Will be updated later..


Will be updated later..

Background and References

Will be updated later..