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NWB Workshops and Hackathons

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Simultaneously recorded physiology and imaging data from single cells in slice

Key Investigators

Andrew Landau (Harvard Medical School) Bernardo Sabatini (Harvard Medical School)

Project Description


  1. Integrate single-cell physiology and imaging data in NWB:N.
  2. File extension for kymograph data - probably an extension of time series linked to an image.

General Challenges:

  1. Physiology and imaging data recorded at different sampling rates
  2. Acquisitions for each ROI are hierarchically labeled, Cell-Dendrite-Spine


Objective A: Develop a NWB:N organization method for saving discrete acquisitions of single cell physiology and imaging data. The key is that a recording from each cell has many time series associated with it grouped into separate discrete epochs.

Objective B: Develop an extension for kymographs - useful for single cell imaging and lots of cell biology. These are a data format organized as a matrix with time on one axis and space on another axis.

Approach and Plan

For Objective B:

Progress and Next Steps


Background and References