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The following is a list of high-level action items as a result of the user adoption hangout:
Update to organize all online docs under one umbrella (Done)
Creating “good first issue” andd “help wanted” labels on the PyNWB repo to help guide new developers to issues they can address (Done)
Talk to Kavli and propose changes to (in progress)
Update ReadTheDocs documentation pages to add a menu bar for cross-linking between the various pages
Setup monthly developer/user “hangout” call that is open for everyone to join. The goal is to allow a) developers to sync up and b) to allow users to come in ask questions.
Completed action items from the breakout:
Proposed changes to
Update entry points below the banner
We need a landing page for NWB:N (separate from the NWB landing page) that is focused on end users and developers rather than funders and NWB at large. While there is a lot of documentation available, we need better cross-linking between the documents as well as a central place for users to go to for information about the NWB:N data standard and software.
Proposed process
The developer team will create this at:
The site should also be easily accesible from
indicate that NWB:N is under active development and not yet guaranteed to be backwards compatible since we are in Beta and not final release yet. Will Schroeder, will help us with language here please?
Look at CMake landing page for an example
A lot of the initial content will likely come from , which once ported to the new site, will be deprectated.
Parts that should be included on the new user/developer page:
Value proposition - pitch to use NWB
Resources : Link to all available online docs
Mailing list
GitHub : Link to the main repositories
Describe various tools in ecosystem (matnwb, pynwb, nwb-schema, etc.)
Google group
Want to get involved? link to the url to the pre-defined “good first issue” tag
Proposed changed:
Hackathons now, then transition into giving talks at conferences
User expectations: New users currently often expect that NWB 2 is stable rather than being under active development. We need to be clearly communicate this. This may be harder on but should be clearly spelled out on