DynamicTableRegion DynamicTableRegion provides a link from one table to an index or region of another. The `table` attribute is a link to another `DynamicTable`, indicating which table is referenced, and the data is int(s) indicating the row(s) (0-indexed) of the target array. `DynamicTableRegion`s can be used to associate rows with repeated meta-data without data duplication. They can also be used to create hierarchical relationships between multiple `DynamicTable`s. `DynamicTableRegion` objects may be paired with a `VectorIndex` object to create ragged references, so a single cell of a `DynamicTable` can reference many rows of another `DynamicTable`.
addlistener |
Add listener for event. |
delete |
Delete a handle object. |
eq |
== (EQ) Test handle equality. |
export |
findobj |
Find objects matching specified conditions. |
findprop |
Find property of MATLAB handle object. |
ge |
>= (GE) Greater than or equal relation for handles. |
gt |
> (GT) Greater than relation for handles. |
isvalid |
Test handle validity. |
le |
<= (LE) Less than or equal relation for handles. |
listener |
Add listener for event without binding the listener to the source object. |
loadAll |
lt |
< (LT) Less than relation for handles. |
ne |
~= (NE) Not equal relation for handles. |
notify |
Notify listeners of event. |
validate_data |
validate_description |
validate_table |
Reference to type `DynamicTable` |