aqnwb 0.1.0
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NWB Schema

The NWB file format is formally described by the NWB Format Specification Schema. The data organization of NWB files and the core NWB format is described by these nwb-schema format specification documents.

Generating the schema header files

AqNWB is linked to a specific version of the nwb-schema, and the schema version is written to the nwb_version field of the NWB File during acquisition. The full specification documentation for that schema version is also cached in the specifications group of the NWB File to facilitate compatibility with other NWB-related software.

The contents of the specifications group are defined using the header files in the spec subfolder, which are in turn generated from the nwb-schema documentation files. To regenerate these header files, developers can run resources/

Updating the schema

Currently, the version of the schema being used for development is fixed and stored in the /resources/schema folder. Updating to a newer version of the schema requires:

  • Regeneration of the spec header files via resources/
  • Update of existing Container classes and unit tests in AqNWB to match changes in the new schema compared to the previous schema
  • Successful completion of all unit-test and round-trip testing with PyNWB and MatNWB